

Embrace change with graceful curiosity


Repetition reshapes reflex

Feelings are not the answer, rather the question

Conflict is not a problem; it is a process

People are not a problem, rather an innovation source

Interested in a topic? Have feedback? Engage the commmuity to start a conversation.
Belt Claims
  • Member Count 20
  • 10
  • 6
  • 5
  • 9
  • Total Belts Granted 53
  • Explore the concepts and exercises below
  • Summarize the key points in writing at each step and circle back as you progress
  • Have dialog with peers to test and deepen understanding

white White level - Appeal

Exercise Duration

green Green level - Aware

red Red level - Action

Exercise Duration


The Goal Video - Boy Scout Hike

Lessons from the Bamboo

Smarter Every Day 293 - I Was SCARED To Say This To NASA... (But I said it anyway)

5.0 hrs


Atomic Habits - How to Get 1% Better Every Day - James Clear

The Zen Leader Animated - Ginny Whitelaw

The Zen Leader - Mini-FEBI Awareness Exercise

Infographic - 10 Essential Flips of Zen Leadership

  • Explore the videos and media above
  • Engage the Zen Leader Mini-FEBI awareness exercise
  • Find peers who have successfully developed one or more of the 10 Essential Flips into a reflex
  • Select 3 of the flips to work on, such as Or-To-And, Out-There-To-In-Here and From-Controlling-To-Connecting
  • Work to form a reflex for each of these by exercising the following form ...
  • Consider each flip and do a Prospective
  • Go over the concept in dialog and rehearse a plan
  • Find a Circle, Agile or other Community call where you can be a guest facilitator
  • During facilitation apply the concept opportunistically and reflexively without overthinking
  • Meet with your peer(s), Senpai and Sensei as you see fit
  • Ensure that you have facilitated a minimum of 3 to 5 group dialog sessions
10.0 hrs

black Black level - Acceleration

Exercise Duration


How to Start a Movement

Stone Soup

Extreme Programming - System Metaphor

Pair Programming

The Art of Refactoring

Metaphors We Live By - George Lakoff and Mark Johnson

Never Split The Difference - Chris Voss

Infographic - The Black Swan Group's Negotiation 9™ (N9™)

  • Explore the videos and media above
  • Find peers who have successfully infused one or more of the Negotiation 9™ moves
  • Select 3 of the moves to work on, such as Dynamic Silence, Paraphrase and Rule-Of-Three
  • Consider each move through a Prospective
  • Rehearse a plan for how the moves can work independently and together
  • Apply the moves at an opportune time without overthinking
  • Reflect after each application in the form of an informal Retrospective
  • Meet with colleagues as you see fit to soundboard and receive feedback
  • Move forward once at least 3 of the Negotiation 9™ moves seem natural AND ...
  • Negotiation 9™ moves can be combined with Essential Flips WITH ...
  • Awareness of the metaphors in play for negotiating parties
20.00 hrs

Scaled Action By Example

Garden - Michael Basil

How SAP built a Dojo Community of Practice to support a cultural shift to DevOps

OMG! I Am a New Product Owner. Help!!! - James Manzzullo

  • Review some of the provided examples from existing members
  • Demonstrate the Mindset journey with cascading positive impacts
  • Publish the journey as a blog post or creative alternative
20.0 hrs