
Step 23: Filtering

In this step, we add a search field for our product list and define a filter that represents the search term. When searching, the list is automatically updated to show only the items that match the search term.



A search field is displayed above the list

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In the controller of the invoice list view we add a new onFilterInvoices event handler function with the event of type SearchField$SearchEvent as import parameter. The search field defines a parameter query that we access by calling getParameter("query") on the event parameter.

If the query is not empty, we add a new filter object that searches in the ProductName for a given query string with filter operator Contains. The filter operator FilterOperator.Contains is not case-sensitive.

We get the invoice list by asking the view for the control with the ID “invoiceList”. To achieve this we make use of the helper function byId. On the list control we access the binding of the aggregation items to filter it with our newly constructed filter object. This will automatically filter the list by our search string so that only the matching items are shown when the search is triggered.

If the query is empty, we filter the binding with an empty array. This makes sure that we see all list elements again. We could also add more filters to the array, if we wanted to search more than one data field.

import Controller from "sap/ui/core/mvc/Controller";
import JSONModel from "sap/ui/model/json/JSONModel";
import formatter from "../model/formatter";
import { SearchField$SearchEvent } from "sap/m/SearchField";
import Filter from "sap/ui/model/Filter";
import FilterOperator from "sap/ui/model/FilterOperator";
import ListBinding from "sap/ui/model/ListBinding";

 * @namespace ui5.walkthrough.controller
export default class App extends Controller {
    public formatter = formatter;

    onInit(): void {
        const viewModel = new JSONModel({
            currency: "EUR"
        this.getView()?.setModel(viewModel, "view");        

    onFilterInvoices(event: SearchField$SearchEvent): void {
        // build filter array
        const filter = [];
        const query = event.getParameter("query");
        if (query) {
            filter.push(new Filter("ProductName", FilterOperator.Contains, query));

        // filter binding
        const list = this.byId("invoiceList");
        const binding = list?.getBinding("items") as ListBinding;


First we specify the ID “invoiceList” to the list control, so the event handler function onFilterInvoices we added to the controller of the invoice list view can identify the list when triggered.

In addition, we remove the headerText property in the list control and use headerToolbar aggregation with the sap.m.Toolbar assigned to it instead. A toolbar control is way more flexible and can be adjusted as you like. To the toolbar control we add a sap.m.Title displaying the title in the text attribute, a spacer, and the sap.m.SearchField with the width property set to 50% and the filter event handler function we defined in the controller assigned to the search event.

      items="{invoice>/Invoices}" >
            <Title text="{i18n>invoiceListTitle}"/>
            <SearchField width="50%" search=".onFilterInvoices"/>

The search field is part of the list header and therefore, each change on the list binding will trigger a rerendering of the whole list, including the search field.


Next:Step 24: Sorting and Grouping

Previous:Step 22: Custom Formatters

Related Information

API Reference: sap.m.SearchField

API Reference: sap.ui.model.Filter

API Reference: sap.ui.model.FilterOperator