
Step 9: Component Configuration

After we have introduced all three parts of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) concept, we now come to another important structural aspect of OpenUI5.

In this step, we will enhance our application by encapsulating all UI assets within a component in OpenUI5. By doing so, we create an independent and reusable module independent of a local HTML file for the bootstrap. This architectural change enables us to access resources relative to the component, rather than relative to the index.html file.

By encapsulating our application as a component, we can seamlessly integrate it into surrounding containers like the SAP Fiori launchpad. This means our application can be easily embedded within a larger ecosystem, providing a more cohesive and integrated user experience.



An input field and a description displaying the value of the input field (No visual changes to last step)

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After this step your project structure will look like the figure below. We will create the Component.ts file now and modify the related files in the app.

Folder Structure for this Step

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webapp/Component.ts (New)

We navigate to the webapp folder and place the Component.ts file to it. This file is commonly referred to as the component controller. A component is organized in a unique namespace (which is synonymous with the application namespace). All required and optional resources of the component have to be organized in the namespace of the component.

We define the component by extending sap/ui/core/UIComponent and supplement the component with additional metadata. Within the interfaces settings, we specify that the component should implement the sap/ui/core/IAsyncContentCreation interface. This allows the component to be generated asynchronously, which in turn sets the component’s rootView and router configuration to async.

When the component is instantiated, OpenUI5 automatically calls the init function of the component. It’s important to include a call to the init function of the base class by using the super keyword. In this section, we also instantiate our data model and the i18n model, similar to what we did earlier in the onInit function of our app controller.

Finally we call the createContent hook method of the component. This method creates the content (UI Control Tree) of this component. Here, we create the view as we did in the index.ts file to set our app view as the root view of the component.

import Control from "sap/ui/core/Control";
import XMLView from "sap/ui/core/mvc/XMLView";
import JSONModel from "sap/ui/model/json/JSONModel";
import ResourceModel from "sap/ui/model/resource/ResourceModel";
import UIComponent from "sap/ui/core/UIComponent";

 * @namespace ui5.walkthrough
export default class Component extends UIComponent {
    public static metadata = {
        "interfaces": ["sap.ui.core.IAsyncContentCreation"]
    init(): void {
        // call the init function of the parent
        // set data model
        const data = {
            recipient: {
                name: "World"
        const dataModel = new JSONModel(data);

        // set i18n model
        const i18nModel = new ResourceModel({
            bundleName: "ui5.walkthrough.i18n.i18n"
        this.setModel(i18nModel, "i18n");
    createContent(): Control | Promise<Control | null> | null {
        return XMLView.create({
            "viewName": "ui5.walkthrough.view.App",
            "id": "app"

Be aware that the models are set directly on the component and not on the root view of the component. However, as nested controls automatically inherit the models from their parent controls, the models are available on the view as well.


We delete the onInit function from the app controller; this is now done in the component controller.

import MessageToast from "sap/m/MessageToast";
import Controller from "sap/ui/core/mvc/Controller";
import JSONModel from "sap/ui/model/json/JSONModel";
import ResourceModel from "sap/ui/model/resource/ResourceModel";
import ResourceBundle from "sap/base/i18n/ResourceBundle";

 * @name ui5.walkthrough.controller.App
export default class AppController extends Controller {
    onShowHello(): void {
        // read msg from i18n model
        const recipient = (this.getView()?.getModel() as JSONModel)?.getProperty("/recipient/name");
        const resourceBundle = (this.getView()?.getModel("i18n") as ResourceModel)?.getResourceBundle() as ResourceBundle;
        const msg = resourceBundle.getText("helloMsg", [recipient]);
        // show message


We’ll replace the view with a UI component. To do this, we use a control called ComponentContainer. This control allows us to wrap a UI Component and place it in our HTML document. We configure this instance by providing the following options:

Finally, we position our newly created ComponentContainer control within the HTML element with the id content.

import ComponentContainer from "sap/ui/core/ComponentContainer";

new ComponentContainer({
    id: "container",
    name: "ui5.walkthrough",
    settings: {
        id: "walkthrough"
    autoPrefixId: true,
    async: true


Next: Step 10: Manifest (Descriptor for Applications)

Previous: Step 8: Translatable Texts


Related Information


Methods Controlling the Initial Instantiation

Advanced Concepts for OpenUI5 Components

API Reference: sap.ui.core.ComponentContainer