
Step 6: Modules

In OpenUI5, resources are often referred to as modules. In this step, we replace the alert from the last exercise with a proper Message Toast from the sap.m library.



A message toast displays the “Hello World” message

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We now replace the native alert function with the show method of the sap.m.MessageToast control of OpenUI5. For this we extend the imports with the sap/m/MessageToast module.

import MessageToast from "sap/m/MessageToast";
import Controller from "sap/ui/core/mvc/Controller";

 * @name ui5.walkthrough.controller.App
export default class AppController extends Controller {
    onShowHello(): void {
        MessageToast.show("Hello World");

For now, the message toast just displays a static “Hello World” message. We will show how to load a translated text here in Step 8: Translatable Texts.


Next: Step 7: JSON Model

Previous: Step 5: Controllers

Related Information

API Reference: sap.m.MessageToast