
Subscribe to SAP Cloud for Utilities Foundation Retailer

  1. Go to and login to your SAP BTP Subaccount from where you will be subscribing to SAP Cloud for Utilities Foundation Retailer.

    Note: If you have more than one subaccount choose the one from where you wish to subscribe C4U

  2. Choose “Instances and Subscriptions”

Instance And Subscriptions

  1. Subscribe to C4U from the SAP BTP Cockpit by clicking on “Create” button underneath your profile name.


  1. A dialog box will appear asking which service you wish to subscribe to.

    1. Choose “Cloud for Utilities Foundation Retailer” from the dropdown.
    2. Select “default” as the plan.


  1. After having subscribed to SAP Cloud for Utilities Foundation Retailer Development you will see that the subscription is processing.


  1. Once subscription has completed, the status will change from processing to completed.
