Service Broker

Service Broker Instances

The service which implements the service broker API is referred to as the “Service Broker”. A service instance represents varies. In our context different service broker instances are created to offer different scopes required by the calling application.

For instance, you may wish to setup a service broker with only API Read or API Write rights. Extensibility is a special case and requires the following scopes depending on your situation:

  1. ExtendCDS

    Allows the extension developer to create and activate an extension.

  2. ExtendCDSDelete

    Allows the extension developer to delete tables created by a previous extension.

These scopes are not given by default by edom retailer and require a new service broker instance to be created with the above scopes to retrieve the proper jwt token for acess.

Before starting ensure that you have more than one entitlement.


The same process can be used to create different credentials with different scopes. E.g., You may wish to create a service instance with API Read Only, or a combination of different scopes depending on how you wish to give access.

Create an Instance of Service Broker for API Access

In order to be able to access the API, we will create an instance of the Edom Retailer API that will give us the ability to query the released API.

  1. From your subaccount choose “Instances and Subscriptions”

Subaccount Selection

  1. Create an instance by clicking on the Create button.


  1. The following dialog will appear, choose the C4U CO Retailer API.

    It will prompt to create a space in Cloud Foundry if you have not already done so.

    Give the instance a name. The instance name must be unique across your organization.


  1. Since we do not want to use the default rights, hit Next to create our modified instance for extensibility.


  1. The following screen dialog will appear:


  1. This is the important step where we decide what scopes we will give to the instance. In this step we must provide json with the correct additional rights.

The format of the json is the following:

   "xs-security": {

      "xsappname": "c4u-foundation-retailer-dev-service-<random-numbers>",
      "oauth2-configuration": {
         "grant-types": [
      "authorities": \[
         Array of scopes you wish to add

The “xsappname” refers to the edom retailer application. Above refers to the “dev-service” however in production it will be simply “service” therefore the xsappname would be “c4u-foundation-retailer-dev-service-<random-numbers>”

“random numbers” is required to differentiate the service broker instance from others. You may wish even to set it up uniquely by giving it a unique suffix. (TODO: determine a naming convention).

Scopes you wish to add must be given in the following format:

"authorities" : [

** If this step is skipped the ExtendCDS scope will not be given to the jwt token. The developer will be able to still create extensions but will not be able to double check or view them. It is best add extra scopes for the extension developer in this case so they may be able to view and edit without having to retrieve a different token for other operations.

Therefore, create a json similar to:

   "xs-security": {
      "xsappname": "c4u-cn-edom-retailer-clone-789",
      "oauth2-configuration": {
         "grant-types": [
      "authorities": [
  1. Add the Json to the dialog box:

Add Json

  1. Double check your setting and then click Create


  1. The following dialog will appear:


  1. Our instance should now be created:
